


Pyrotechnic Aluminium Powders – Defense & Slurries (Mining Explosives) Application:

Parameters Particle Size-Wet Sieve Apparent Density (loose pouring)
Burning property Fatty matter
Water coverage
Active Aluminium content
<45 µm
Test Methods Trade Mark
(ISO-1247) (in-house) (in-house) (ISO-1247) (IS-438)
LI-55 75 - 90 0.070 - 0.130 40 - 80 10 – 30 1.0 max -- 89 min Mining explosives
FL-77 70 - 90 0.080 - 0.150 40 - 80 10 – 30 3.0 max 8000 min 89 min Mining explosives
SL-77 85 - 95 0.120 - 0.160 40 - 80 10 – 30 3.0 - 4.0 8000 - 12000 87 min Mining explosives

Wet sieving with mineral spirit as rinsing liquid

(used for Mining explosives, Ordnance applications etc)

Pyrotechnic Aluminium Powders - Fireworks Application:

Parameters Particle Size-Wet Sieve Apparent Density
(loose pouring)
Burning property Fatty matter
Active Aluminium content
Test Methods Trade Mark
(ISO-1247) (in-house) (in-house) (ISO-1247) (IS-438)
000 98 min 0.40 - 0.50 25 – 60 10 – 30 1.0 max 73 min
000-S 99 min 0.54 - 0.56 40 – 80 10 – 30 1.0 max 68 min
555 85 - 97 0.21 - 0.26 25 – 60 10 – 30 1.0 max 80 min
999 80 - 90 0.15 - 0.19 25 – 60 10 – 30 1.0 max 83 min
999 S 85 - 95 0.15 - 0.19 25 – 60 10 – 30 1.0 max 83 min
LD 999 80 - 90 0.08 - 0.11 25 – 60 10 – 30 1.0 max 83 min
666 65 - 75 0.12 - 0.14 40 – 80 10 – 30 1.5 max 90 min
666-O 60 - 75 0.09 - 0.12 40 – 80 10 – 30 1.5 max 90 min
222 80 min 0.11 - 0.18 40 – 80 10 – 30 4.0 max 87 min
444 40 - 50 0.08 - 0.12 Nil Nil 1.0 max 93 min
FP 33 35 - 50 0.13 - 0.16 Nil Nil 1.0 max 94 min
333 35 - 50 0.10 - 0.13 Nil Nil 1.0 max 94 min
333 S 30 - 50 0.12 - 0.14 Nil Nil 1.0 max 94 min
LD 333 35 – 40 0.08 – 0.11 Nil Nil 1.0 max 94 min

Total metallic impurities for above grades is 1% max.

Wet sieving with mineral spirit as rinsing liquid
AAS-atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

(000 used for making Aerial shots, Heavy sound crackers etc in Fireworks applications; 555 used for making Atom bombs / Chocolate bombs, Heavy sound crackers etc in Fireworks applications; 999 & 999 S used for making Aerial shots, Atom bombs / Chocolate bombs,Chorsa crackers, Fancy fireworks, High sound crackers, Sparklers, Twinklers Chakras etc in Fireworks applications, where, 999 S yields bright flash & sharp sound in garland crackers, louder sound in atom bomb crackers, bright white & more sparks in ground chakras, better spreading & bigger sparks in sparklers and also more out-turn than the existing 999 grade; LD-999 used for making Chorsa crackers, Light sound crackers Motta thukkada crackers etc and with more outputs in Fireworks applications; 666 & 666-O used for making Candles, Chakras, Pencils, Sparklers, Stars, Twinklers, Chorsa crackers, Fancy fireworks etc in Fireworks applications; 222 used for making Sparklers in Fireworks applications; 444, FP-33, 333 & 333-S used for making Flowerpots in Fireworks applications, where, 333S yields better performance and more out-turn in flowerpots application than the existing 333 grade.

000-S, , an improved version of 000, produces loud sound when used in aerial echoes; owing to its ability to transmit heat, it is used in the coating of coloured pellets which are used in areal displays; finds application in producing variety of colours such as green,red,yellow,silver,violet etc; very good in micro stars; provides excellent violet colour in micro as well as in macro stars because obtaining violet colour is difficult in fireworks, which is a rare characteristic associated; enhancing the color producing effect and ignition properties

999-S, , an improved version of 999, produces Louder sound in Atom bomb; Sharp sound with flash in Crackers; Bright flash and sharp sound in Garland Crackers; Bigger size sparks and better spreading in Sparklers; Bright white and more sparks in Ground Chakkars;

333-S, an improved version of 333, produces flower pots with regular color effects, better performance and more out-turn; in flower pots / fountains (with Aluminium flitter and Barium nitrate) ejects shining, bright white sparks to a great height with beautiful look.

Pyrotechnic Aluminium Flakes - Fireworks Application:

Parameters Particle Size-Dry Sieve
>100 mesh
Tap Density
Burning property
Fatty matter
Active Aluminium content
Test Methods Trade Mark
(ASTM B-214) (ISO-3953 / IS-8871) (in-house ) (ISO-1247) (IS-438)
FF 03 85 min 1.10 max Nil 2.0 max 95 min
FF 05 55 min 1.00 max Nil 3.0 max 91 min

Dry sieving by Ro-tap sieve shaker
AAS-Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

(In Fireworks applications, FF-03 used for making Flower pots and FF-05 used for making pencil, twinkler & Chakras to replace commercial sieve-thools)